Giulia Cappellaro

AOM 2022: PDW Artificial Intelligence, Health care and the future of Professions

AOM 2022: PDW Artificial Intelligence, Health care and the future of Professions

At the 2022 Academy of Management annual conference, Natalia Levina, Angela Aristidou and I organized a PDW on AI, Health care and the changing nature of organizations and professional work. Thanks to our panelists – Michael Barrett (U. of Cambridge), Samer Faraj (McGill U.), Rebecca Karp (Harvard Business School), Stella Pachidi (U. of Cambridge), Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld (New York U.) – to the sponsor divisions (CTO, HCM and OMT) and to the many participants for the constructive and intriguing discussion!

Giulia Cappellaro, PhD
Associate Professor 

Department of Social and Political Sciences
Bocconi University
Room: 3-C1-15, via Roentgen 1, 20136 Milan, Italy